Digital Transformation, 1:1, Blended Learning, Personalized Learning, Flipped Learning – all of these instructional strategies can only be as valuable as your school district’s weakest link. Whether its network infrastructure, Internet bandwidth, Learning Management Systems, Cloud-Based technologies, and most importantly resources for professional development and support – does your district have all the resources it needs in place to meet your future curriculum and instructional needs?
The staff at Craven Tech have over 25 years experience assisting schools implementing high speed networks, E-Rate applications, Learning Management Systems, professional development, 1:1 and cloud based systems in schools throughout the United States.
Who We Are
Geoff Craven and Mike Matukaitis have over 55 combined years experience working in and out of the classroom helping schools with their instructional technology needs. As Craven Tech we leverage our knowledge and experience with schools and educational organizations throughout the country.
What We Do
Assess the following areas:
- Network Infrastructure Assessment – including wireless infrastructure, network backbone, and the impact of additional mobile devices.
- Internet Bandwidth/Online Applications
- Online Course Management Solutions, including Moodle vs Sharepoint.
- Web Hosting Software/Solutions
- Cloud-Based Software – Office 365 (Free) vs Microsoft Office, Educational Licensing Promotion vs Google Apps (Free)
- Email – Google Apps vs Office 365 (both free) vs Cloud vs locally hosted
- Hardware replacement cycles – Laptops vs Tablets vs Student owned devices
- Technology and Instructional Support Staffing and Structure
Meet With Key Stakeholders
- Conduct a on-line survey on staff’s perception of technology usage – what’s working well and what’s not
- Tour school district facilities and meet with various stakeholders
- Evaluate and look for any physical plant or classroom technology issues that may need addressed.
What You Will Receive
- A detailed report highlighting survey results of staff to assist with professional development needs.
- Observations and recommendations on network infrastructure improvements.
- A punch list outlining priorities for budgeting and implementation over the next several years.
- Support staff organizational structure and duties.
How to Prepare?
In order to facilitate a timely review of this project, the following documents/information (if available) would be extremely helpful for Craven Tech to have in advance:
- Building network diagrams noting number of wireless access points, model numbers, and bandwidth
- Hardware inventory (including year, amount of RAM, hard disk and processor)
- Desktop software inventory (including version of Office, and whether licensing is annual or perpetual)
- Server inventory for district servers indicating OS version, purpose (DNS, email, storage, etc.) and amount of RAM and disk storage
- Copy of district acceptable usage policy (including electronic student devices if available)
- Organizational chart for technology staff and job descriptions